Within the past 6-9 months how many times has a close friend or family member irritated you to the point that you thought it might just be time to be done with them?
If I'm honest, I'd say I've had that feeling a handful of times over the past year.
And chances are if I sat quietly and closed my eyes to really make an inventory, the actual number might be quite a bit higher.
I was walking with an old friend today and we got to talking -- as one does, or should, in the presence of a loved one -- and he reported a recent series of interactions with a family member that had pissed him off so much he wondered when, if ever, he'd pick up the phone again.
At the end of the 30 min. walk we both agreed that writing anyone off for their callous behavior, self-absorption, insensitivity, etc. etc. at this unique moment might not be wise.
Bottom line?
CoVid has fucked with all of us, specifically with our ability to self-modulate.
Now would be a time for us all to hit PAUSE before ending any relationships. Because, honestly, I don't know about you but lately I find myself feeling like certain social interactions are my first bike ride without training wheels. I feel a bit wobbly, unsure of my balance and bracing for an imminent fall.
Let's all take a deep breath, close our eyes and force ourselves to give each other just a little more wiggle room... for a little bit longer.
When I make my mental inventory of the folks who did something to seriously piss me off I'm so grateful NOT to have followed my impulse to sever ties. Cause nine times out of ten, there's something I really love or value deeply there. And life is better with than without.
Peace & Love, as my pal Merle Perkins likes to say. Peace & Love. :)
And here's some music to match this sentiment, courtesy of harpist-singer-songwriter Patrice Haan.
01 We Must Be Arrows (feat. David Morris & Arrow Choir)