The Summer of 2022 has been full and fraught. I'm not sure why I imagined it would be smooth sailing to produce and perform my own solo show while producing the third Hear Me Out Monologue Competition.
There were signs of cracks in the foundation as early as May when I started to receive evidence of logistical details getting lost in emails between me and various others who make this thing happen. Entire emails went missing.
Sometimes those I'd written.
Sometimes those I was supposed to have read.
I've been told (Hello, Gary!) that I have too many email addresses.
I know this is true. Yet seem unable (or unwilling?) to address it.
I'm hearing anecdotally of other breakdowns in communication on so many fronts that I'm beginning to suspect we're all just suffering under a collective case of Pandemic Fatigue.
I was thrilled when A Nagging Feeling Best Not Ignored got a very positive review from our first critic. Others were lining up to see for themselves.
And so we added performances and decided to extend through September 7th.
And then I got sick.
And have barely been able do much more than sleep, eat a bowl of cereal and sleep some more. (Rinse & repeat)
Performances of my show were canceled. And some of you know how much this one has meant to me, possibly cause it's the first thing I've managed since March of 2020... But... If the actor can't keep his eyes open...
Having lost about two weeks in our production schedule on the monologue competition, I've finally heard the universe which seems to be playing the same tune all summer long this year. And the tune is:
Slow down. Take a breath. What's the hurry?
So, this is all to announce two important scheduling changes.
A Nagging Feeling Best Not Ignored will not perform August 24th but will resume for two nights only on Wednesdays August 31 and September 7.
And the Hear Me Out Monologue Festival & Awards Ceremony will postpone from Labor Day this year to a date in November, TBA.
And I hope to be able to announce a new structure to hold all the RT workshops, Wednesday Gathering, the Hear Me Out Some1Speaking series and the annual competition and all the rest in a more coherent unified structure that will allow me to support the work without doing everything on an absolutely voluntary basis. More details to follow...
Please update your RT Inner Circle status to be sure not to miss any of this.