Registration is open for the upcoming installment of my popular workshop, ADVANCED MONOLOGUE. And over the past week or so several questions have made their way into my InBox that have the potential to become Frequently Asked Questions so without further ado, here are a few Recently Asked Questions about the workshop and my answers.
Q: I noticed that on December 26th, the workshop begins at 4PM and runs for 2 hrs. If there's a chance I may have to miss all or part of this first 2 hour session would I still be able to participate fully?
A: The Advanced Monologue Workshop always begins with a 2-hour session followed by two 3-hour sessions on the following days. Day One is devoted primarily to an introduction to Roland Tec's theory of the case, sharing the 5 Essential Ingredients which I've always found to be present in the strongest most enduring examples of monologue. Days Two and Three then get down to the fun and excitement of you putting these principles to the test through targeted in-class writing prompts. Because all three sessions are recorded in Zoom and made available to you as a participant, you could easily miss the first 2 hours, watch the video before Day Two's session begins and not be at any great disadvantage in terms of your ability to understand and implement the approach.
Q: It says on your website that the last six hours of workshop are devoted almost entirely to participants' writing. How much of our writing will be done in class vs. at home as homework between sessions?
A: Most of the writing you'll be doing will be fast and dirty in response to targeted prompts I've developed over the years to address what I see as some of the most common problems in the generalized approach to the form. However, you're definitely invited to take something first created in workshop and develop it more fully in the time between Day Two (Dec. 27th 5-8PM, EST) and Day Three (Dec. 28th 1-4PM)
Q: I've taken this workshop before (and loved it!). Would it be silly for me to sign up again?
A: The first 2 hours of the total 8 hours might be similar although I'm always evolving in my remarks. The bulk of this workshop is devoted to your writing in session so absolutely, I encourage people to repeat whenever they like. And, if you are planning to take Advanced Monologue for the second or third time, please first send me a private email so I can send you a repeat offender discount code!