It has become routine to see/hear/read an interview with the same book author/film director/songwriter etc. etc. on not one, not two, but 5-7 supposedly independent unique shows or columns.
You know what I'm talking about.
Terry Gross will interview the author of X book.
Two days later I'm hearing Allison Stewart interview the same person.
Another day or two go by and--oh, look who's being interviewed again! (Will I learn something new this time?)
What does this tell us?
Producers of these shows are either lazy or underpaid/over-extended or both.
The programming producers of radio, television and podcasts need to step it up a notch.
This is ridiculous. We live in a country with thousands and thousands of artists and projects and there is no reason (other than casual semi-conscious sleepwalking through your job descriptions) for us to be learning of 3 or 4 new projects when we could be discovering 40 or 50.
And while we're on the subject I would like to report that having just promoted a production of my own, I was repeatedly amazed at the degree to which coverage I read in newspapers or online sites simply repurposed entire paragraphs from our press releases with zero editorial input.