My online workshops are always interactive. So whenever someone registers to attend one, the order form includes one or two simple questions designed to help me get acquainted with the collection of artists that will gather in the "room."
Recently, I asked the following of my registrants:
What do you think is your greatest gift as a writer?
I think it's an important question. And I'd go further than that. It's important for writers to answer this question and to ask it of themselves frequently. Chances are, the answer will change as we change.
People's answers vary from the super specific (I write terrific death scenes.) to the general (Talent, babe. Isn't that what it's all about?) But nothing could have prepared me for one woman's answer.
I cried when I recently came upon her one-word answer.
The all-lower-case spelling of the word, the lack of the punctuation provided by a period or exclamation point (or even question mark) contributed to the wave of sorrow I felt sweeping over me.
Who is this person, I wanted to know, who feels motivated enough to discover and pay for my online craft workshop yet still cannot point to any one unique quality that might set her apart.
Without knowing what, if any, unique talents might be found in her work, how can this writer know what to do, where to look when to begin? Whatever's inside you that's meant to be shared with the world has little chance of seeing the light of day if you alone cannot see it.
Lately it seems I'm motivated most strongly by a deep need to uncover the answer to that essential question for every one of my students.
What sets you apart?
I want to discover your greatest gift as a writer so that I might reflect it back to you for you to see clearly without the blinders of emotional baggage, fear, self-loathing, etc.
Because I'm pretty sure that--the answer, your answer to what makes you uniquely important as an artist--will be your start. Your first step to your best new work. Your best work really shouldn't wait.
The deadline for Roland's Advanced Monologue Weekend (Oct 1-3) is fast approaching with just 5 spots remaining. Register Before September 29th using discount code: RTENTHUSE21 to save 22% on tuition.