Actor/Writer/Provocateur (and longtime pal o' mine) Paul Outlaw has posted a video of himself reading a few pages from Baldwin's brilliant 1965 presentation "The American Dream and the American Negro." Because the origin of the text was a debate held at a University in Britain with the following motion: The American Dream has been at the expense of the American Negro. Arguing in FOR: James Baldwin. Arguing AGAINST: William F. Buckley, Jr. Footage of the 1965 debate can be found here and there on YouTube and if you're curious, I encourage you to go digging.
But first, take a look at Outlaw's read of Baldwin's words. I love that Paul's not doing James Baldwin in any way. And by not attempting an impression--which would be low hanging fruit to an actor of Outlaw's abilities--he manages, I think, to breathe new life into these words which tragically resonate anew today. Our American reservoir of hate appears to be limitless.