I am grateful for being able to post on Extra Criticum and am sorry I haven't in a long while. I could use the excuse that I now do a weekly internet radio show, work a day job and play poker on the weekends so who the hell has time for a single thing more but that would not be coming from a very grateful place now would it?
So here I am posting, partly in response to Roland's last post and partly because I have been discussing and debating the topic of what artistic success is on my show, The Unknown Zone Talk Show, fairly regularly.
So as a playwright, screenwriter (produced and unproduced) and perfomer -radio talk show host (unpaid), etc. as an artist am I a success ?
Some would say yes, some would say no and some I'm sure would be either confused or indifferent. But I ask fellow Extra Criticum's what say you?
Sure in a sense I believe I am because I keep creating in some form or other and have been reviewed twice for different writing pieces. So what's the final verdict here? If I never get paid or achieve the success I still crave can I go to my grave saying I gave it my best and that was enough or will I lay in my final resting place dismayed because I just couldn't seem to cross that invisible line?
Good question yes I know.