Here's a lovely paragraph from Tammy Ryan's blog post about Pittsburgh theatre from the perspective of the playwright. The post just appeared yesterday on HowlRound.
When I first moved to Pittsburgh, someone told me there was a fourth underground river running under the Point fueling the Fountain, a focal point of the entranceway that opens up as you drive out of the Fort Pitt Tunnel. I thought it was an urban legend, but Google it, it exists. A pure glacial stream, traveling underground from the Great Lakes, it is a continuous source for the fountain. Always fifty-five degrees, it is bacteria free, providing drinking water to some downtown buildings that have tapped wells into it. Like the rivers, Pittsburgh’s artists are a source of energy, renewal, and forward momentum. Like the fourth river, their local playwrights exist. We work steadily underground, flowing towards a place we hope will connect us with theaters, funders, other theater artists and each other. Until we reach that point of confluence, we remain an untapped natural, vital source.
To read the full post, visit HowlRound.