This just in from our friends at New York Theatre Workshop. Scary stuff, indeed:
Dear Friends:
Attached is a letter from the Hungarian Theater Critics Association pleading with the rest of the world to pay attention to the deteriorating political situation in Hungary.
Depressingly, the situation in Hungary is an old and familiar story: in the face of serious economic distress, a reactionary movement takes hold of the people, complete with a familiar cast of characters as scapegoats for all the nation's woes. The Fidesz-Jobbik scapegoats are the Usual Suspects--the Jews, the Roma people, the homosexuals and former Communists.
The letter particularly focuses on the case of Robert Alfoldi, the director of the Hungarian National Theater. He's both gay and Jewish.
Some of you may remember that we were well down the road a few years back with Robi to remount his astonishing production of THE MERCHANT OF VENICE here at NYTW, which fell apart for various reasons. The core of his interpretation is certainly one of the reasons he's now being so viciously attacked---it was an attempt to reflect the historic anti-Semitism and homophobia of Hungarian society. In the late 90s, when the production first appeared in Budapest, these were very tender and delicate subjects in Hungary, only just being allowed to be discussed publicly in the new freedom post-Communism. He was clearly prescient, and is now paying a price.
I also had a breakfast in Moscow a few weeks back with Janos Szasz, another wonderful Hungarian director who has done quite a bit of work up at ART. He has come to the conclusion that it is time to leave Hungary with his entire family, because he just does not want his young daughter to grow up in such a hostile, poisonous environment where anti-Semitism is so openly cultivated.
It is a very sobering letter. I pass it along to our community to hopefully bring attention to the situation. Perhaps some of you will have some ideas on how to get this into the mainstream press. If the world is watching, perhaps the government will have some degree of restraint.
Jim Nicola
Artistic Director
New York Theatre Workshop
Hungarian Theater Critics Association Letter:
This letter, issued by the Hungarian Critics' Association is to call the attention of the international media and theatre community to the intensifying state and political control over arts, culture and media in Hungary.
A new highly-contested and controversial "media law" of the present government promises serious control over the whole media, including blogs. The new Media authority - formed by members of the ruling party - will have the entitlement to control and punish. This week, independent cultural papers and sites are published with a blank cover page as a protest sign against this control.
Governmental attacks on the National Theatre and its artistic director, Róbert Alföldi, were only rumors until the "case" was recently discussed on the floor of Parliament. Members of Parliament described Alföldi as deviant, rowdy, and treasonous, and called the present National Theatre dangerous and mischievous. They are calling the work presented in the National Theatre obscene, pornographic, anti-national, and anti-Hungarian, and are demanding the expelling of Róbert Alföldi from the National. State secretary's answer of Ministry of National Resources was: "Everything will happen in due time".
On December 1st, one of the parties of the Parliament, Jobbik organized a demonstration next to the National Theatre's building with the sole purpose of replacing the director. Artists, writers, critics, and theatre goers - organized by a Facebook group - also gathered in front of the National marking their sympathy for this theatre and artistic freedom. Since the beginning of Alföldi's tenure in July 2009, the National Theatre has prospered and undergone an artistic rebirth. The director was awarded the precious Critics' Prize in September 2010 "For renewing the National Theatre", and a similar prize from the City Council of Budapest. Many works presented in the theatre received international critical acclaim were invited to international festivals.
Róbert Alföldi's contract does not expire until June 30, 2013. His dismissal would mean the termination of this contract without any legal base, and this, consequently, could create a dangerous precedent: from that time on the leader of any cultural institute could be dismissed based on the aesthetic ideal of a given political party.
Another major cultural institution in the country, the Opera House of Budapest - the best financed institution - is also undergoing difficult times. The artistic director of the Opera, Balázs Kovalik, an internationally celebrated director, was dismissed this past summer. There is still no appointed general director to take his place.
Because appointments of theatre directors in the provinces are made directly by the local governments, decisions were often based on political sympathies for the ruling political party. This has been always the same, indifferent of political climate. The process has a legal face and an illusory professional basis, because seemingly directors' applications and eventual appointments are based on competition. There is a board of professionals who evaluates the applications and makes recommendations to the local government. But this board is either formed of people with a particular political view who are certain to make the "right" decision, or it is an indeed free board whose proposal is not taken into consideration. This situation was recently repeated when the new artistic director was named to the theatre in Tatabánya, and a fine previous leadership was replaced.
The independent theatres in Hungary are most vulnerable in this current climate. This is the field that is most mobile, young, and willing to take artistic risks; this is the field that contains all dance companies, and most of the production houses and freelance artists. It has been only one year since the so-called theatre law, which guarantees for the first time that a minimum 10% of the total budget for the national theatre subsidy goes to independents, came to operate. One of the new cultural leadership's first actions was to cut this subsidy, although it is such a microscopic part of the whole budget.
The theatre law will undergo a serious rework in the spring 2011, and there is little hope that the 10% for independents will be maintained.
We are addressing you, the international theatre and media community, because we want to preserve the freedom of artistic expression and speech we gained 20 years ago after the social changes.
Issued by Hungarian Theatre Critics' Association