The other night Ro and I were in the mood to stay in and watch a flick from our shelf of DVDs and since I'd never seen it, I chose ROSEMARY'S BABY.
I suppose I could figure out how to record onto discs or download and store from the internet, but, and maybe I'm just getting up there in years, but I like having things on my bookshelf (and yes I still keep my CD jewel cases too). If there's ever something that will make me fit for the 'hoarders' programs, it will be DVDs. Someday, 40 years from now, some fresh faced investigative reporter will do a story on me and my milion DVDs. There won't even be players to play them on anymore but I'll still be holding on.
Anyway, although I'm a movie lover, I was amazed the other night when I had a conversation with friends about MIDNIGHT COWBOY. I confessed that I'd never seen it. They were slackjawed. I rattled off a bunch of other movies JAWS, ROCKY, RAGING BULL, MIDNIGHT EXPRESS that I've always meant to see but hadn't. So when I spotted ROSEMARY'S BABY on the shelf I decided it was time to finally watch it.
Naturally I loved it and writing a review is pointless although here's the long and short of it: Rosemary and her actor-husband move into a new apartment on the upper west side of NYC and become friends with the next door neighbors who, it turns out like to get naked with their elderly friends and worship the devil in their living room. Well, it's better than Pincohle I suppose. Rosemary gets pregnant by the devil himself and carries the child to term. She doesn't know what kind of trouble she's carrying, but then, no parent really knows how their child is going to turn out, do they?
I'm glad that there doesn't seem to be a sequel to this film although I think ROSEMARY'S BABY: THE DEVIL NEVER SLEEPS would be a good title because mostly I think that the devil must live across the alley from me as there is a guy who shouts and screams obsenities at all times of the day and night and another apartment (or maybe the same) where a heavy metal rock band jams out every weekend. I find it irritating that I'm constantly at a concert where there's no concession stand. The upside is that when they become big I can say I was the one who kept calling the cops on them. That ought to give me at least a little bit of press on Access Hollywood. Whole careers have been built out of less.
As for the other movies in my list, I'm making a list and making an effort to see what I've been missing. What are the movies you know you 'should have seen' but haven't??
(above, the incredible Ruth Gordon co-stars)