In their attempts to reality-show us to death (not to mention NBC's gamble to transform prime time into talk shows - how did that work out for you guys?), the networks have lost a lot of viewers over the past decade.
Fortunately the new fall season is jam packed with narratives, maybe not great ones but at least it's a start.
The biggest new show that has me excited is HAWAII 5-0. I was never really a fan of the original so it's hard to work up any nostalgia or outrage about a new version. Besides, although Alex O'Loughlin is just so so here (at least judging by some advance peeks online), the real star is guaranteed to be Scott Caan from the Ocean's movies. Sexy, wise-cracking and charisma that jumps out at the viewer, well, O'Louglin should watch out. The show also stars Grace Park (Battlestar Galactica) once again taking on a role formerly played by a man and Daniel Dae Kim (Lost). I wonder if they get together and talk about who's final episode was better. CBS
The other big Monday show is THE EVENT. A LOST style 'mythology' show starring Blair Underwood as the President and Jason Ritter as a guy who freaks out on an airplane when his girlfriend goes missing. Ritter rocked when he was part of the awesome ensemble of the incredible JOAN OF ARCADIA a few years ago. THE EVENT has something to do with the search for a missing girl and mysterious detainees and a pretty good ad campaign. The odds are against sustaining this type of show and NBC doesn't have a great track record (coughHeroescough).
In other program news, DANCING WITH THE STARS will feature The Situation (from JERSEY SHORE - a show I've been catching up on this past month and have grown weirdly fond of - especially Mike who seems to be the only one of the bunch who can see the folly of 'the situation' he's involved with).ABC
There's also HOW I MET YOUR MOTHER (a nice sitcom from CBS that features the wonderful Neil Patrick Harris as a hetreo lothario - no one can sustain sleezy better than Harris); RULES OF ENGAGEMENT (this is still on CBS? Yuck. Who finds David Spade funny?); TWO AND A HALF MEN (yes Charlie Sheen is a kind of douche bag but this CBS show is consistently engaging and what's not to like about a show that gives Holland Taylor work? Besides Chuck Lorre's vanity cards are thought provoking and hilarious - you can read all the past ones from both this show and BIG BANG THEORY by clicking here ); HOUSE (another show I've been catching recently although I can't say I've warmed up to it); CHUCK (the appeal of this show escapes me. Coming up this season: a Subway sandwich shop as one of the places where the action takes place. Such a sleazy 'product' placement must be stopped before there's a Wendy's on Wisteria Lane!).
Other shows on Monday night: the returning 90210 (CW), CASTLE (ABC) and GOSSIP GIRL (CW) and new shows, CHASE (a new cop show on NBC) and LONE STAR (a new nighttime soap also on NBC).
GOSSIP GIRL starts Monday September 13th, all others Monday September 20th. Check your local listings for times.