Showtime has recently opened the vaults on the entire series of Weeds, a show I hadn't seen until now. So I set out to get acquainted with the suburban mom turned pot grower played by Mary Louise Parker.
As fun as some of the performances have been -- I am particularly fond of Elizabeth Perkins -- I find that every time I watch a couple episodes, I'm left feeling agitated and out of sorts. I'm not sure why. Is it the writers' unrelenting need to put the plot into constant overdrive? These people's lives are always spinning out of control. This is comedy on steroids. And after a while, the effect feels a bit bloated. It's odd for a show about marijuana, to have such the opposite psychic effect. I am never calmed or numbed by this show. Actually it sort of makes me feel like I might NEED to roll a fat one.
Am I alone in feeling this way?