In a recent episode of Glee, Rachel (Lea Michele) is saying goodbye to the
mother (Idina Menzel) who put her up for adoption. Rachel wants to sing with
her mother before they part, so she hands Menzel the sheet music to Lady Gaga’s
“Poker Face”. Then, from out of nowhere, the music director for the glee club
appears. When Rachel hands him sheet music as he sits down to accompany
them, she says something along the lines of, “That’s Brad. He’s around a
It’s a very good joke, a wink at the audience. Every fan of Glee knows that the conceit that allows the characters to sing to each other (they are all members of a glee club) is very thin. The professionalism of the singers and the size of the production numbers performed fall WELL outside anything possible in high school. But nobody really cares. I know I don’t.
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