But one of my (albeit tardy) New Year's Resolutions is to be a more active poster here on Extra Criticum.
I've actually been traveling a fair amount for theater lately, so I've got some posts planned for that, and I'm cross-pollinating at the moment, with a link to a post I wrote this afternoon for Frommers.com's "Behind the Guides" blog, where they let me write about my fangirl obsession with The Amazing Race, which is only the most awesome reality show EVER!
Here's the link to the post. And yes, that Beauty Queen on one of the teams is Miss Teen South Carolina 2007, the one who launched over 40 million YouTube viewings with her answer to the question about geography with such deathless phrases as "US Americans...South Africa and the Iraq and such as."
Link to the Youtube and such as
And if you follow Big Brother (I don't), apparently one of their recent popular contestants (and winner), Jordan is also on the Race. They showed a clip of her from that show confessing that she doesn't know how to tell time using a clock.
If you, like me, think the racearoundtheworld is one of the best shows ever, I hope you'll join me for the 16th edition of TAR.