I’ve had a few days to digest the Golden Globes and these are the things that have stayed with me (even though I tried intense therapy to remove them from my consciousness)
1. Robert Downey Jr has a wife?
2. Avatar won Best Picture. You mean that a film about blue
aliens is better than a film about actual real people. Whatever foreign press. (And didn't I already see this story in RETURN OF THE JEDI?)
3. GLEE’s creator stated that his show is about ‘arts education” That comment, made of win.
4. 12 years since his Titanic speech and James Cameron is still icky. (but I guess you’re allowed to be when the top two grossing films of all time are yours)
5. Thinking that Taylor Lautner looks great in a tux but
would look better in my apartment.
6. MAD MEN wins (and Jon Hamm with a beard.. how much better could my evening be?)
7. Someone clearly plied not only the presenters but the camera crew with liquor and drugs because people were so… sloppy. Felicity Huffman especially needed to pull it together. What was with all that weird camera work?
8. My first thought upon seeing Cameron Diaz Sunday night was that she was singlehandedly bringing back the red jumpsuit.However upon seeing it three days later, it's actually quite a beautiful dress.
9. Drew Barrymore = Mary Richards stammering to Mr. Grant
while wearing Lady Gaga’s hair as a shoulder corsage.
10. Streep is the classiest act in Hollywood. She knows how to make a speech.
That is all.