I must warn you, this post is going to get completely irrational. But first, the shameless self-promotion.
My film, Tango Octogenario will be embarking on a three city tour of Japan, Fukuoka (Oct. 11), Matsuoka (Dec. 18), and Beppu (Mar. 13, 2010). Tango is big in Japan; this is the third consecutive year it's playing at a film festival there. Unfortunately, I won't be touring Japan with the film. Closer to home, last I heard it's still showing on WNYC about once a month or so, but when exactly I'm not sure.
Now the irrational bit.
Look, I'm not complaining, this short film has more legs than any short film has a right to have. I know many filmmakers that would love to have their work invited to festivals five years after it premiered. Its success pleases me.
But it also peeves me a little.
Am I whining? Probably. But at least I'm not alone. Hitchcock claimed that of all his films his favorite was Shadow of a Doubt, a fine film, a very good film in fact, but one that gets overlooked all the time when his oeuvre is discussed. I kind of suspect he had these paternal feelings for that film. This here film is my baby, too. It's as beautiful as this other one you love so much, and if you take the time to consider it, you'll get behind it.
Enough with the complaining already. If you're in Japan, stop in and watch my film.