As a big fan of my friend Taylor Mac's work, I eagerly opened the latest email from HERE Performing Arts Center announcing his latest show. What struck me about the following text is how much of it is devoted to financial support.
Check it out. It's mind-boggling. To make it simpler I've color-coded everything that has to do with funding in RED and everything else in GREEN.
Genre squishing Taylor Mac and a company of 40+ unravel our national pastime of melancholy remembrances. The Lily's Revenge is a 5 part extravaganza featuring live music, wild costumes, vaudevillian theatrics, macabre entr'actes, a million sequins, and a few flowers.The Lily's Revenge was developed at HERE Arts Center through the HERE Artist Residency Program (HARP) with the assistance of the Sundance Institute Theatre Program; and at New Dramatists as part of the Working Sessions Program and with support from the Creativity Fund.
THE LILY'S REVENGE is a project of Creative Capital, which currently receives support from The Andy Warhol Foundation for the Visual Arts, Doris Duke Charitable Foundation, Ford Foundation, The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation, The TOBY Fund, The James Irvine Foundation, The Nathan Cummings Foundation, and more than 150 other individuals and institutional donors; and was made possible in part by The MAP Fund, a program of Creative Capital supported by the Doris Duke Charitable Foundation and the Rockefeller Foundation; the Franklin Furnace Fund for Performance Art, supported by Jerome Foundation and the New York State Council on the Arts, a state agency; Ars Nova; the New York State Council on the Arts Individual Artists Program; The JB Harter Charitable Trust; and The Visionary Trust. Photo by Karl Giant, Title Treatment by Yvan Greenberg.
Seems to me that a similar premiere in Berlin might be followed by one simple tagline: Supported by the German Office of Cultural Affairs. Punkt. Over/out. End of story. Am I wrong?