So I disappear for two months and come back in time to make a Shameless Self-Promo? Classic, Warnock...
However, I am back from the first round of editing Best Lesbian Erotica, and the Absolut International Dublin Gay Theatre Festival, and the Lammies and all kinds of other things that I do instead of writing, to mention something that I do that has to do with writing:
The Robert Chesley/Jane Chambers Playwrights Project of TOSOS Theatre presents:
Staged reading of a new play by Kathleen Warnock
directed by Mark Finley
Saturday, May 30, 7:30pm
The Mitchell Room at ART/NY, 3rd floor
520 8th Ave. (betw 36th & 37th sts).
Drinks at Zuni after (naturally).
Here's a brief synopsis:
Susan's a corporate trainer, trying to figure out her new Outlook (the software, of course). She has to teach a course on it TOMORROW! Salvation arrives in the form of Brown (the UPS delivery person), who brings Susan the training materials and a mysterious gift. There's no such thing as a magic wand...or is there?
Susan finds out as she tries to figure out her relationship with her not-so-live-in girlfriend Patience, and watches her daughter Ella get ready to leave the nest...for law school (if she get in).
With Meghan Cary as Susan; Donnetta Lavinia Grays as Brown; Danielle Quisenberry as Patience; and Irene Longshore as Ella.
No reservations required; FREE!