Yes folks, it's been way too long since I went through my 'files' and cleaned out the 'no longer necessary.' This includes not only bills and receipts of the past seven years (isn't that what everyone's accountant recommends?), but looking at files titled "New Ideas", "contacts", "Flyers-mine and others" and the like. So far I've catalogued all my bills, i.e. cable, cell, Con Ed, etc. in binders for the last seven years and a binder for 'Rent' that includes all my leases for the past 6 years (since moving to Bay Ridge, Brooklyn yo) and the letters I've sent back and forth to the landlord re: 'yes I accept the new rent increase and wish to sign a lease for another year' and the back and forth letters re: the noise complaints from my downstairs neighbor who happens to work for the landlord - now there's a story in itself for another day.
I'm about to embark on condensing everything from insurance forms and statements to my 'scripts that I haven't looked at in years', and all other forms of writing. It is time to pack away these documents for old age when I'm sitting in my rocker and have nothing else to do but look back and read the 'stuff I wrote in the early days' and say either "my you were ahead of your time" or "what the hell were you thinking?"
The biggest challenge as a 'tech tard', although I am getting better, is to figure out which stuff to pdf to myself and keep in an email file for 'whenever' and which stuff to put on CD's and keep in the 'home office.' Along with this comes the evil, long arduous task of looking at everything that are on disks -yes the old funky no longer functional without an external drive disks and do with them the same.
I am open to suggestions as to how to possibly 'streamline' this process as I am seriously committed to being a new more 'super organized me' - a new Yvonne for the new year and making room for new ideas. In other words, I'm ready to update, so come on baby, BRING ON THE NEW !