Having grown up with presidential images in my history books of very old white men with white wigs, the Inauguration of Barack Obama, of course, turns history on its ear, and then some.
Obama isn't white (okay, half white, but still...who would know?) and he isn't due a wig anytime soon...although given the crap pile he has to fix it won't probably be long before his hair falls out.
That said, it was funny watching TV preceeding the Inaugural and that day. Coronation would be more like it...but certainly warranted. Obama's Inaguration is historical for a couple of reasons, and not just the obvious ones.
Still, my tears that day had much more to do with his making history as an African-American, surely. But I'd be lying if I didn't admit that ... well, to feeling a certain ambivalence at realizing a gnomic truth when the band started up to play Hail to the Chief for the very first time.
For the very first time in my life, I am OLDER than the President of the United States. The job that has previously been held by very old white men in very old wigs, is now being held by a very young black man with nice hair and a beautiful family.
I'm certainly not a McCain fan. I would have voted for Obama twice given the chance. I think he is smart, brilliant, talented, gifted and an a transformative leader for our times. But he was born in 1961 and I beat him to this planet by one year.
Normally, I wouldn't want ANYONE my age running anything ... let alone the country. But it speaks to Obama's gifts, of oratory and thought, that make me a fan. But...I still sent to bed Inauguration night and thought, wow, I'm fricking older than the President of the United States. I mean, Ronald Reagan was president and was, what, 103 when he took office?!
The country has clearly changed in more ways than one. Keith OIlbermann, I think, said it best when he noted that the country seemingly shifted away from the idea of electing someone like Bush -- someone they would want to have a beer with -- and actually voted for a guy who they think can do the job.
Electing bright, intelligent and savvy people to lead us! What a concept. Even if they are younger than springtime...or me!