You can't spend three minutes on Facebook -- and I admit to being on there a lot more than three minutes lately -- without getting continual updates from fans of 24 talking in the most reverent terms about their show.
I love action. I love drama. But to be perfectly honest, and this might sound a bit silly, the show lost me in the first season when superhero Jack Bauer never went to the bathroom. Seriously. The show is supposed to be 24 hours in his life.
I would have probably "gotten" it more if it was 24 weeks -- or days -- in the guy's life. Then I would have clearly figured his bathroom duties were done during the time we didn't see him on camera. Or during commercial breaks even.
But in the show's first season, Bauer was barely ever off camera and he got into a couple of shootouts, spent time on the cell phone with his kidnapped wife and daughter and helped save the world. But never once did he stop to pee or poop. Come on, even a superhero needs a potty break.
Speaking of breaks, gimme one. That first season -- remember a DAY in the man's life was a bit over the top, no? His wife, I think, was kidnapped two different times, as was his daughter who was attacked, and then I think he wife was raped...and she had lupus...and then he was involved in a bunch of shootouts, a car chase, and if memory serves he also ran after a bunch of bad guys when he wasn't being chased by another set of bad guys. All in one day? That is one lousy, lousy day!
He also never stops to eat? Not even fast food? I'm worried about this guy.
But I think I might be more worried about the people who still watch this show (and I DO love Keifer Sutherland). I'm willing to suspend some belief...but all sense and reason.
Doesn't anyone in the writer's room ever go...come on, this is ONE day in the man's life? Shouldn't he have ten minutes of peace! Read a book? Have dinner with a friend? Watch some TV!? Take a vacation? Get laid!
I know, I know...I'm setting myself up for a bombardment of notes on Facebook. I promise you that I will respond to each and every one. Unless, of course, I'm kidnapped and held hostage by an international drug cartel.