I recently stumbled upon the hysterical website CubbyBernstein.com which appears to have been launched as part of a viral marketing campaign in support of Xanadu winning a Best Musical Tony this year.
Well, I don't want to give it away, but let's just say, this site is truly inspired and worth a visit!
It's refreshing to see such a tongue-in-cheek application of the latest trend of using ersatz websites, blogs, and psuedo-grassroots "movements" to promote big corporate interests. In the case of Xanadu, they've turned the formula completely on its head; by immitating the kind of crazy schemes spearheaded by the likes of Mssrs. Weinstein et al, they kill two birds with one stone.
They make fun of the absurdity of awards campaigning these days while still actually campaigning for their charming little show.
"You have to believe we are magic. Nothing can stand in our way."